Pacific Crossing:California Gold, Chinese Migration, and the Making of Hong Kong網友推薦

Pacific Crossing:California Gold, Chinese Migration, and the Making of Hong Kong網友推薦,在網路上很夯,購買也很便利

天底下竟然有這麼好的事,買一買真的是太開心惹 ,給小雅看她也說這售價真的蠻合理的。

推薦大家一本人文史地Pacific Crossing:California Gold, Chinese Migration, and the Making of Hong Kong網友推薦全書的內容大意

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Pacific Crossing:California Gold, Chinese Migration, and the Making of Hong Kong網友推薦 開箱文 博客來網路書店

內容簡介: 博客來網路書店 During the nineteenth century tens of thousands of Chinese men and women crossed the Pacific to work, trade, and settle in California. Drawn initially by the gold rush, they took with them skills and goods and a view of the world which, though still Chinese, was transformed by their long journeys back and forth.
博客來書店博客來They in turn transformed Hong Kong, their main point of embarkation, from a struggling infant colony into a prosperous international port and the cultural center of a far-ranging Chinese diaspora.

Making use of extensive research in archives around the world, Pacific Crossing charts the rise of Chinese Gold Mountain firms engaged in all kinds of transpacific trade, especially the lucrative export of prepared opium and other luxury goods.

Challenging the traditional view that the migration was primarily a 'coolie trade', Elizabeth Sinn uncovers leadership and agency among the many Chinese who made the crossing. In presenting Hong Kong as an 'in-between place' of repeated journeys and continuous movement, Sinn also offers a fresh view of the British colony and a new paradigm for migration studies.

Pacific Crossing:California Gold, Chinese Migration, and the Making of Hong Kong網友推薦 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:香港大學出版社    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2014/11/28
  • 語言:英文

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Pacific Crossing:California Gold, Chinese Migration, and the Making of Hong Kong網友推薦

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Pacific Crossing:California Gold, Chinese Migration, and the Making of Hong Kong網友推薦
那裡買,Pacific Crossing:California Gold, Chinese Migration, and the Making of Hong Kong網友推薦價格,Pacific Crossing:California Gold, Chinese Migration, and the Making of Hong Kong網友推薦特賣會,Pacific Crossing:California Gold, Chinese Migration, and the Making of Hong Kong網友推薦評比,Pacific Crossing:California Gold, Chinese Migration, and the Making of Hong Kong網友推薦部落客 推薦

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Pacific Crossing:California Gold, Chinese Migration, and the Making of Hong Kong網友推薦


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